Welcome to Sally Morningstar

Welcome to my website. I'm Sally Morningstar and I am a Hedgewitch. Over the years, I have written several books on spiritual subjects including The Witches' Oracle, Moon Magic & The Art of Wiccan Healing. For the last 10 years I have run an international one to one online distance learning course in Hedgewitchcraft & Natural Magic - a place where wild and human nature can meet. To my view, there is only one species out of alignment with it's rightful place on Earth and that is humanity - the way back to our true place being through reconnecting with Nature.

International Distance Learning Course in
Hedgewitchcraft & Natural Magic

* A course that you can study at your own pace
from the comfort of your own home
* Affordable monthly or weekly fees depending upon your budget
* No matter where you are in the world, this course is available to you, as it is all online.
* We can Zoom, Skype, or if in the UK use a landline
My dearest love is the natural world and it is through this that my world has developed into what it is today - caring and warm hearted towards those things that matter
I believe in walking my talk and live a simple, natural life. I am mostly vegan, a writer, a creator of things magical, a photographer, graphic artist and lover of animals & the wild world.
I have a diploma in Vibrational Medicine & have trained in both Eastern and Western Mysticism, in Witchcraft, Shamanism, Zen, Sati and Kriya Yoga, but Mother Nature is closest to my heart and remains my greatest and most enduring teacher.

"For those interested in studying the arts of natural magic, healing, and/or the path of a hedgewitch, my dear teacher and now friend Sally Morningstar can teach one on one online with you at your own pace. A magical, compassionate, and beautiful apprenticeship that I highly recommend! Readings, Healings, and other services are also available. What can I say, I am grateful to have learned so much from one of the best!"
Jack Dancing Leaf - USA

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